
Priyanshu Maitra

An aspiring Dev

Kolkata, India 🇮🇳

👋 About Me

Hello there, I'm currently pursuing Bachelor's in Engineering, interested in Full-stack Web Development, App Development and Open Source Programs, etc.

🌎 - I am an Open Source contributor, participated in programs like Hacktoberfest 2022.

🔭 - I'm currently learning and working on Front-end Development and Linux 🐧 System.

🤍 - Ready to help you with get started doing Open Source and Contribution.

⚙️ Tech Stack

Frontend Development

Worked with HTML & CSS, and its frameworks. Now I'm exploring JavaScript.

Git/GitHub VCS

Learned VCS (Version Control System) to imprpve workflow.

C/C++ Language

Apart from development I'm learning DSA to improve my coding skills.

Flutter Development

App development has always been exciting to me. I started learning Flutter recently.